Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

This Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy contain our policy regarding the terms of use of the Web Site when providing services related to the site (here in after referred to as “Website”).

User(s) of the Website agree and represent that the Website may have links to other Websites or contents, and YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ (YAŞMAK TOURISM) has no relation in regard to control or accuracy or adequacy of the same, and YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ does not support such sites in any way or does not guarantee their accuracy and has no responsibility for the contents included in those sites, and that YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ is not responsible for any intangible or tangible, positive or negative, or any possible loss or damages which may arise from use of such sites.

Website User(s) agree and represent that the Website may contain any text, information, comment, opinion, news, image, picture, photograph, graphic and other material belong to YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ or a third person or organization, and YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ reserves the rights set forth under the Law on Intellectual And Artistic Works in connection with these materials, and they are not allow to copy, modify, reproduce, publish, sell or use, or intervene without consent of YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ.

The information, including but not limited to fees or availability, shown on the Website of YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ may include some technical or typographical errors or omissions. YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ shall not be responsible for any typographical, photographic, technical or pricing errors (including but not limited to mistakes in hotel rates) shown on the Website. YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ reserves the right to make changes, corrections and / or improvements at any time on the Website and in the products and programs described under such information, including the period after approval of the reservation.

User(s) of the Website irrevocably agree, represent and warrant that they have read the above Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before entering the Website, and they shall abide by all conditions stated, and in case of any dispute or controversy or claim in connection with any of the foregoing, İstanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices shall be competent, and the contents contained on the Website and all electronic media and records belong to YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. AŞ shall be deemed conclusive evidence.


Clarification Text for Processing of Personal Data

As YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. A.Ş. (YAŞMAK TOURISM), we attach importance to the safety of our customers’ personal data. The personal data that you have shared with YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. A.Ş. over physical and / or electronic media shall be kept and processed in accordance with the law pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 (“KVK Law”).

Obtaining and Processing of Your Personal Data
By YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. A.Ş., the personal data that you have shared such as name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number, identity / passport information and other personal data not limited to ones listed here, and your personal data that you have shared to make reservation transactions of our customers over physical and / or electronic environment, to perform payment transactions, to update information related to products and services within the framework of marketing activities, and to send press releases or notifications through email and to recommend promotions and new products / services may be saved with/without a time limit, kept on a written / magnetic archive, updated, and they may be used, shared and processed within the limits foreseen in the relevant law.

Permission to Share and Disclose Personal Data
You hereby give your consent for the disclosure of your personal data in our possession upon your express consent to the following third parties so that we will collect, save, process, store and use and share your personal data with the following parties to ensure that you will get the services that you ask from us and you will pay its consideration; that various advantages will be defined and offered to you; that we will be able to administer commercials, advertorials, ads, promotional materials, sales, marketing, information, promotion, campaign notices and operations, membership procedures, frequently visiting customer management program and general registration procedures appropriate for your personal tastes; that legal and regulatory requirements shall be met; that the safety and security of our customers/visitors and personnel and other visiting parties shall be assured, that we will handle any and all electronic communication for the purposes of polls, customer satisfaction surveys and the relevant services as well as for the fulfillment of our statutory obligations and that we shall send all other communication and contact messages. The third parties to whom we shall disclose your personal data upon your express consent include, but is not limited to, the following:

– Such competent public/government authorities and agencies to whom personal data should be disclosed under the applicable law.

You can contact us to inquire about other third parties to whom we transfer/disclose your personal data.

These data shall be disclosed to such third parties with whom we are in a contractual relationship with and who act in compliance with the applicable law and assume and act in line with the same legal and technical liabilities applicable to us for data protection and security only on a need-to-know basis and to the necessary extent. The purpose of this disclosure is to offer services to you in full and on a timely basis; to deliver your possible dispatches in a healthy way and to deliver notices on a timely basis via telephone or e-mail .

Your rights related to your Personal Data
You can contact us at our e-mail address [email protected] to inquire which personal data of yours have been processed, and whether or not they are used in line with the purpose of their process and to know about third parties in Turkey or abroad to whom your personal data are transferred, and to edit, correct or update your personal data in case your personal data are missing or misprocessed or there is a change to your personal data and to ask that such changes or updates should be notified to third parties to whom your personal data are transferred. Other rights that you have pursuant to Article 11 of the Law No. 6698 for the Protection of Personal Data remain reserved.

Security, Transfer of Your Personal Data and Exercise of Rights on Your Personal Data
• YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. A.Ş. takes reasonable precautions to protect information systems containing personal data against unauthorized accesses and illegal data processing. All identifiable personal information shall subject to restricted access to prevent unauthorized accesses, and modification or abuse of the same.
• YAŞMAK TURİZM VE TİC. A.Ş. shall only share the personal data with group companies in order to offer our customers value added services, opportunities and favors and to increase the quality of service upon clear consent of our customers, or with public bodies or entities authorized to demand such data for legal requirements.
• Regarding your personal data that you have shared with us pursuant to the purposes and methods used for obtaining your personal data set forth in this Privacy Policy and Clarification Text, you may contact us at any time by mailing us from address [email protected] to exercise your rights pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law.

Keeping Your Personal Data Accurate and Up to Date
• The customers agree and represent that they aware the importance of accuracy of the information that they have shared and keeping them up-to-date in order to exercise their rights on the personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law and in relation to other applicable legislation, and in case of giving inaccurate information, any responsibility which may arise shall solely belong to them.
• You may make changes to the personal data that you have shared by contacting us from address [email protected].

Term for Storing Personal Data
Your Personal Data you have shared with Yaşmak Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. through channels described in this document will be processed in accordance with the required periods set forth in Personal Data Protection legislation and any other legislation, and in any case until the legitimate purposes set forth above disappears.

Erasure, Removal or Anonymization of Your Personal Data
Your personal data processed in accordance with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy and Clarification Text will continue to be used anonymously by us, after processing purpose of the data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law, and as long as the time limits set out in the relevant laws have ended.

Access to Your Personal Data and Your Rights under DP Law
Under Article 11 of DP Law, you have the right to request the following regarding your Personal Data;

  • (a) information about whether your Personal Data has been processed,
  • (b) if your Personal Data has been processed, information about such data processing,
  • (c) information about the purpose for the data processing and whether your Personal Data was used in this purpose,
  • (d) information about third parties located whether inland or abroad whom the data is transferred to,
  • (e) if your Personal Data has been incompletely or inaccurately processed; correction of such Personal Data,
  • (f) if the grounds for processing Personal Data are no longer valid in terms of principles of purpose, duration and legitimacy, deletion or destruction of the Personal Data,
  • (g) in case of correction, deletion or destruction of Personal Data, request third parties to whom that such data is transferred to be notified about such transaction,
  • (h) objection to any negative consequence of your Processed Personal Data being analyzed exclusively through automated systems,
  • (i) if you suffer any damages due to the illegal processing of your Personal Data, indemnification of such damages and losses.

If you wish to exercise your abovementioned rights, you may send your request by filling forms provided under our Web Site or in a way determined by the Personal Data Protection Board to our e-mail address, which may change from time to time, from your e-mail address registered under our data base (please check your registered e-mail address) or with a secure electronic signature or mobile signature to our secure e-mail address, or to the mail address below, which may change from time to time, along with a written petition with a wet-ink signature either submitted in person or via a notary public, or through other methods to be determined by Personal Data Protection Board in the future. Current application procedures must be checked from the legislation before the application. YAŞMAK TOURISM will conclude the request, free of charge, within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. If a cost arises in relation to the finalization of the request by YAŞMAK TOURISM, fees indicated in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be requested by YAŞMAK TOURISM.

Address : Ebusuud Cad. No 12 Sirkeci/ Fatih – İSTANBUL
E-mail address : [email protected]
Kep address : [email protected]

Final Provisions
User(s) irrevocably agree, represent and undertake that they have read the Website Terms of Use, Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy above before they visit the web site; that they will comply with all the requirements listed above; that the contents of the web site as well as all our electronic media and computer records shall constitute conclusive evidence pursuant to Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedures.



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